Sunday, August 17, 2008


It's funny, when you think about it, the things that God does. This weekend I went on the 6th annual Gateway Family Retreat-- funny that it's my first retreat since I've been going to Gateway for 5 years now-- and I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculously mind-blowing thing which is the body of Christ.

I just keep thinking about all of the incredible relationships I have with people with whom the world would say I have nothing in common. For example, Saturday night before service I was looking around and gladly sat next to one of my favorite people-- a forty year old, blue collar man with a wife and two kids.

There are so many people at Gateway that have poured so much into me. So many have loved me like a sister, like a daughter, like a friend. They have blessed me in so many ways I can't even begin to describe them all. They've paid for me to go on missions, given me the opportunity to love on their kids, and supported me in ways I will never forget.

And so to Gateway, I say thank you. Thank you for being my church and my family.

God broke down so many barriers in my mind this weekend. I watched as my Gateway family got a small glimpse of what it means to worship without inhibitions-- and I watched students take the lead. Amy challenged us to walk as Elisha walked: the Shumanite woman perceived he was a man of God when all he did was eat in her restaurant. Do all of my actions reflect Christ?

God reminded me of very specific things that I will take with me to OBU-- hopefully with a large dose of faithfulness. If I have learned anything this summer it is that doing God's will takes strength, courage, and faithfulness.

May the truth of God saturate your mind and heart. May you receive the joy that comes with the fullness of His presence. And may you hang on to that with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

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