Sunday, June 1, 2008

Because I am a follower...

Lots of people I love are keeping blogs to talk about Jesus and their summers, and by that I mean 3. So I thought I would join them... Xanga died, blogspot is in. I could totally be ok with that. Mostly, I'm just really excited about TPX stuff so I thought I'd share.

My first meeting with Mike and Joey is tomorrow. That's when I should find out the hairy details. :)

I've had almost 3 weeks of down time since I moved back home. I'm still not unpacked... yeah, I know. But, the down time has been some good preparation time for my heart. I'm learning a lot about excellence and (to be honest) my current lack of it. My heart is relearning its focus. I'm so excited for what He has in store. I already know He's going to blow my mind.

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